R&B singer Monica has decided that she has had enough of Twitter and the malicious comments from some of her followers.
“Hey there. I want to thank all of u who have been so supportive of myself & family for so many years. I hate to say this. But I will no longer be on twitter. I love the fact that I am able to speak to my REAL supporters but it has also become a way for people to do malicious things, when my sole intent was to spread positivity. I love u guys dearly and will find ways to stay in touch. I have dear Friends on twitter & team Monica will make sure u have all information on dates etc.
Again I love u guys but this is better for the protection of my children, my family, fiancé and fans. Too much is being said that I didn’t say and for a person that believes so strongly in being 100 at ALL times. I just can’t do it. I will see all of u guys very soon. I LOVE U …Take care”.
Monica recently got engaged to NBA player Shannon Brown.
Okay. I have to put my two cents in on this.
First, I read what this hating ass person tweeted. Whoever think anything this person said is true is so stupid.
Second, this is why the celebrities don't like getting close with people (fans). Because when they do let people in to show their realness. The haters start backstabbing because they didn't get what they want from them or they know more than what the other fans & what to fell important & start running off at the mouth. Whether its true or not. Shut the hell up. If they wanted everyone to know they will tell us.
Third, if you a fan of someone be that a fan. Be real no matter what the celebrities are going through. They are not perfect. If you think they are then once again I say you are stupid. There is not one person walking the face of this earth that is perfect. I can only think of one that is. His name is Jesus. The celebrities are people just like you and me. They put there pants on one leg at time. Just because they are in the spot light don't mean they want everyone in every part of their life.
So with that said, Monica, I don't think you will be able to stay away from your true loyal fans too long. So we will see you later. We understand that you need a little time for you and your family. Remember you have a lot of people who love you for you. Forget the haters.
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