Word on the sidewalk is that Beyonce could be making her big comeback a lot sooner than we thought! Earlier this month, producer/songwriter Sean Garrett said the Queen of Pop’s upcoming fourth studio album will be her “biggest album ever” and that they plan to “take it to a whole other level.” And now, another producer is spilling the beans about Beyonce’s highly anticipated new project.
“Listening to New B record Dream wrote … F—INg INSANE! WOw!! She About to Kill the game again! Had to Listen again!! Y’all C in 3 weeks!” producer Los Da Mystro, a frequent collaborator of The-Dream, who worked with Tricky Stewart on Beyoncé’s hit “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It),” tweeted. “Thats what they sayn now.. But it is the music
Business . could b sooner r lata.”
Los Da Mystro later told MTV:
“She’s an artist that knows exactly what she wants to do,” he told MTV News. “She’s going to give you directions [like], ‘Here’s where I’m going, so here’s where I need you to be.’ And, you know, I’m a person that follows direction well. [And she'll be like], ‘So this is the sound, this is the vibe; make it happen.’ And I write and she likes it or she doesn’t. And in this case she did, and there you have it.”
Move out the way folks, the Queen is back!
News on Drake recording with Rihanna and Justin Bieber’s new video when you click the link below!
Hip-Hop’s most predictable rapper and one of Pop’s worst entertainers are teaming up to bless our ears with what we are sure to be a hit record just because they are who they are and whoever works with them on this is going to make sure of it! Drake recently spoke with MTV News backstage at his Miami tour kick-off last week and told them that he and Rihanna just recorded a song together.
“I just did this great song with Rihanna so I hope we get to shoot a video for that too,” he revealed to MTV News backstage at his Miami tour kick-off this week. “I’m really excited about that song.”
Drake had reportedly written for Rihanna in the past, but the track didn’t make her album’s final cut. And when he mentioned their new track, Drake refused to speak in greater detail about the collab, which will reportedly show up on Rihanna’s new album Loud (due in stores this November): “I don’t know if I’m supposed to talk about that actually.” ( Source: Rap-Up via MTV )
This ought to be interesting…
Justin Bieber tweeted yesterday that the music video for his latest single “U Smile” is due to premiere this week! He told his Beliebers exclusively that his new video would hit the web this Thursday (Sep 30).
“In 3 days U SMILE video comes,” he wrote early Monday (September 27). “And I took the opportunity 2 make a video 4 the fans, about a fan, and how we could fall IN LOVE. Love Grows. #LoveGrows.”
JB went on to discuss love and whether or not he’d date a fan:
“U know u wake up and you go online sometimes and see your words twisted or isolated from the whole meaning. It is frustrating…. …you become guarded. Sometimes u don’t know who to trust. U say one thing to someone and it comes out totally different…. ….that is why i like twitter. i can say it how it is. no one twisting things so people want to know where it is,” he explained. “My fans and i we LOVE EACH OTHER. But to be IN LOVE with someone u need to get to know them personally I get asked all the time would I date a fan and my answer I would date whoever I fall IN LOVE with, and yes that could be a fan.”
And speaking of “love,” word is the young singer is dating singer Jasmine Villegas who is currently opening for him on his “My World” Tour.
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