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Michelle Obama On Being First Lady: “It’s Hell” Says Carla Bruni

Michelle Obama was quoted by Carla Bruni, wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy in a new book ‘Carla And The Ambitious’, as saying she was less than thrilled by being the First Lady.

“Don’t ask! It’s hell. I can’t stand it!” she allegedly exclaimed.

Michelle Obama and French First Lady Carla Bruni

What did she expect the First Lady to say? It’s a walk in the park! First of all, the couple has to deal with fixing 8 years of damage created by the former administration and Michelle does not get to see her husband on a regular basis on top of the many death threats they must have to deal with.

I just have one question. Why does it look like First Lady looking like that? She look like she want to hurt that lady.

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