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Spotted: Brandy and Kelly Rowland Run Into Paris Hilton at Katsuya in Hollywood

Well what on earth do we have here??? Has Paris Hilton found herself some new BFFs? …… Not yet … but maybe one day!

R&B singers (and “besties”) Kelly Rowland and Brandy hung out together Wednesday night (Aug 18) in Los Angeles and had dinner at celebrity hotspot Katsuya. And as the two were enjoying their meal, Paris Hilton spotted them and snapped a few pics of herself and Brandy before making a “grand exit” out of the restaurant hand-in-hand with the singer, who she later tweeted about: “Ran in to Brandy at Katsuya. She is such a sweet girl :)”

However we hear that this “meeting” was staged somewhat, because Paris is said to have asked Brandy & Kelly to leave the Japanese restaurant at the same time as her so that the paparazzi wouldn’t notice her with a mystery man. But whatever the case may be, you have to admit, Kelly Rowland, Brandy and Paris Hilton makes for an odd group!

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