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Fantasia’s Married Man Antwaun Cook Finally Releases Statement!

After everything has already been discovered about Fantasia and Antwaun Cook’s relationship, the married man has finally come forward to give his side of the story.

Antwaun’s lawyer, Nicole Sodoma, released a statement Wednsday night regarding his position about both Fantasia and his wife Paula.

Antwaun would be remiss not to address the criticism and judgment he has received. He knew Fantasia Barrino but the failure of his marriage can in no way be blamed on anyone except the two people that were a part of the union – Paula and Antwaun. [Paula and Antwaun] expected their marriage to stand the test of time. Unfortunately, like many marriages, it did not turn out as planned. In late summer 2009, after years of discussion, the parties separated with the intention of no longer being married.”

Paula stated in court documents that the two split June 16, 2010, not summer 2009 as Antwaun is stating.

Now, that everybody has said their peice, hopefully all this drama will die down.

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