I recently got a chance to listen to the up & coming Dade County rapper Ya Boi Chad music. Im a new fan of his. His mixtape in my car rite now. I did a some research on him. Y'all will be a fan by the time y'all finish reading this blog.
Chad, January 21, is fresh out of Dade County where he is from Goulds that he reps to the fullest. He graduated from Miami Southridge Senior High School in 2004.
Before pursuing a career in music he was in the air force for a little over a year. He didnt like at all. Matter fact he hated it. Which leads me to my first question.
What lessons did you learn while in the Air Force?
"The lesson I learn was, its vauleable to remove all "unneccessary" emotions, such as being eaily angered, & negative crap. Those types of emotons add distortion when you trying to complete a mission. If you gone to be negative, dont ever try to accomplish anything."
Who hae you collaborated with so far?
"So far I have only collabed with some friends & other up and coming artists such as Quise of Duce Pound who is signed with Maybach MusicGroup."
Who would you want to collaborate with?
"No one ever believes me when I say tell people this but I wouldseriously luv to collab with Donald Trump lol. I would have him speakthrough out the hook portion of the song & I'll go hard in the verses."
How long have you been pursuing a career in the music industry?
"I've been pursing a music career since 2008."
If you wasn't doing music, what would you be doing?
"Its funny you ask that because I just answered that question in asong I recently recorded. But if I wasn't doing music I'd prolly go toschool to pursue a career in art because that's another passion of mine. But as far as financially, if I wasn't doing music I'd prolly be working a dead-end job until I lost my mind or atleast until someone lost their suitecase with a million dollars in it that I would just so happen to find lol. In all seriousness, I don't come from an area with many LEGALLY successful people, which basically means I only have examples of how to succeed at doing the "wrong things" at which I don't wanna have to do. So for me, music gotta work out in my favor because I feel like I absolutely have to get rich, one way or another."
What can we look forward to coming from Ya Boi Chad?
"You can look forward to me showing the world that Miami does have artists with substance in their music. I plan to show the world that Irespect their ears drums and that's why I actually take the time write good music that sounds good first before its co-signed by someone with a big name or before its drilled in your head a billion times lol. Most in importantly I plan on showing the world yours truely, ME!!!"
There you have it. Ya Boi Chad is it. So check it music out & follow him on twitter. @YaBoiChad