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Sink Hole in Guatemala

The Agatha tropical storm in Guatemala has had devastating effects, which can be seen very well in the image below, that the Guatemalan Government has posted on its official Flickr account. A huge sinkhole, whose bottom is almost impossible to see, has appeared in the center of Guatemala City, looking like something out of a post-apocalyptic science-fiction Hollywood movie.

The sinkhole has appeared as a result of the torrential rain, and it is 60 meters deep and 30 meters wide. It has “swallowed” a 3-story building, as well as a house. Also, a private security company agent has been killed while the sinkhole was forming.

The main cause seems to be a subterranean drainage system.

The Agatha tropical storm in Central America has had incredibly devastating effects so far. Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have been struck at full speed by Agatha. At least 92 people have been killed only in Guatemala. Even more, 59 people have been wounded, while 59 are still reported missing.

14 people have died in Honduras, but things are starting to get back to normal in El Salvador, where the rain has stopped.

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