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Kim Kardashian Says she has no Need for Botox!

On an episode of the new season of Keeping up with the Kardashians that recently aired, Kim Kardashian was seen getting a Botox procedure that unfortunately didn’t go so well and she ended up with a bruised face. And after receiving tons of e-mails from fans, the socialite has posted a response to the episode on her official blog, saying that she doesn’t blame her doctor for the procedure. She just realized she didn’t need it, however it was too late when the light bulb came on as she had already had the procedure done before she found out the side effects.

Check out what she wrote on her blog below:

I’ve been getting lots of emails and comments regarding the botox episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians so I wanted to address this today to clear some things up. On the show you saw I had some bruising around my eyes after the procedure, which is totally natural, but because I hadn’t looked into the side effects, I freaked out. In no way was Dr. Kassabian a bad doctor… it wasn’t a botched job at all!! In fact, I would recommend him to anyone wanting to get a procedure done.

I am not against botox, and I would never judge anyone else for getting any kind of surgical or non surgical procedure, but I think when you’re young there are other ways you can look after your skin, and some amazing products on the market, like Fusion Beauty’s Illumifill, that help keep you looking young and beautiful. Botox just wasn’t necessary for me at this age.

Remember, if you are going to get any sort of cosmetic work done, make sure you are well informed of all the side-effects. You can never be too safe.

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